U ovim teškim vremenima koje smo “prisiljeni” (yeah right) provoditi kod kuće, platforme, developeri i izdavači su ponudili toliko toga besplatno za igrati. Svakog dana nove igre stižu na popis, a mi smo za vas pripremili popis kakvo je stanje u subotu 12. 3. u 7 sati.
Lista igara koje su besplatne do određenog datuma, a ako ih “preuzmete” vaše su zauvijek
- Tomb Raider (2013) – preuzeti do 24. 3. na Steamu
- Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris – preuzeti do 24. 3. na Steamu
- The Stanley Parable – preuzeti do 26. 3. na Epic Gamesu
- Watch Dogs– preuzeti do 26. 3. na Epic Gamesu
- Goat of Duty – preuzeti do 31. 3. na Steamu
- Headsnatchers – preuzeti do 22. 3. na Steamu
- Deiland – preuzeti do 24. 3. na Steamu
Lista igara s ograničenim vremenom igranja
- Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – do 22. 3. na PC, PS4 i XONE
- Football Manager – do 25. 3. na Steamu
- Sea of Thieves – do 22. 3. na PC i XONE
- Smite– svi heroji su besplatni do 22. 3.
Mobilne igre
- Mini Metro – ne znamo koliko je dugo besplatan, ali besplatan je na Androidu i radi se o odličnoj igri za skratiti vrijeme
- Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP – Android
- Alto’s Adventure – Android
- Alto’s Odyssey – Android
- Kingdom Rush Frontiers – Android
- Kingdom Rush Origins – Android
- Forma.8 Go – iOS
- Impossible Road – iOS
- Marching Order – iOS
Ostale manje i još manje igre za PC
- Akalabeth: World of Doom
- Alder’s Blood Prologue
- Beneath a Steel Sky
- Bio Menace
- Builders of Egypt: Prologue
- Cayne
- Doomdark’s Revenge
- Drawful 2
- Eschalon: Book I
- Flight of the Amazon Queen
- Hello Neighbor Alpha Version
- Jill of the Jungle: The Complete Trilogy
- Legend of Keepers: Prologue
- The Lords of Midnight
- Lure of the Temptress
- Mable and the Wood
- Overload – Playable Teaser
- Postal: Classic and Uncut
- Rabbids Coding
- Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves
- Shadow Warrior Classic Complete
- Stargunner
- Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius
- Teenagent
- Treasure Adventure Game
- Tyrian 2000
- Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar
- Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams
- Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire