Ako ste ljubitelji Borderlandsa, a želite ga igrati u potpuno prerađenom ruhu, 4K vizualima uz dodatak HDR-a onda je pravo vrijeme za kupnju ove bogate kolekcije koja uključuje Borderlands Pre-Sequel, Borderlands 2 i sve moguće DLC-ove.

Ako već imate Borderlands: The Handsome kolekciju, vi ćete besplatno skinuti update koji stiže već za koji dan, odnosno 3. travnja.
Za 74kn dobit ćete na stotine sati zabave
Da, Borderlands: The Handsome Collection trenutno košta 74kn na PS4, dok je na Steamu cijena nešto veća i igra tamo iznosi oko 110kn. Ako volite loot onda je ovo svakako igra koju ćete obožavati.
Evo koje točno promjene dolaze na konzole, a koje na PC.
The Ultra HD Texture Pack on console includes:
- 4K Ultra HD resolution and HDR for Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro players
- Remastered 4K environment textures, including geometry and skyboxes
- Remastered 4K characters and vehicles
- Updated weapon meshes and textures
- Re-encoded 4K Cinematics
- Improved Anti-Aliasing, including improved edge line implementation
- This includes improved ink line definition and framing/outline around character models
- Higher Resolution Dynamic Shadows
- Improved quality and smoothness of shadows, especially during movement
Ultra HD Texture Pack for PC features:
- Remastered 4K environment textures, including geometry and skyboxes
- Remastered 4K characters and vehicles
- Remastered 4K weapon meshes and textures
- Improved Anti-Aliasing, including improved edge line implementation
- This includes improved ink line definition and framing/outline around character models
- Higher Resolution Dynamic Shadows
- Improved quality and smoothness of shadows, especially during movement
- Improved Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
- An improved SSAO method for more realistic ambient lighting