Dok bi neki za te novce kupili par konzola i pokoju igru ili neki bijesni master race PC plus par igri, neki će pod cijenu ekskluzivnosti i nemogućnosti čekanja rado dati velike cifre da bi igrali željenu igru.
Što je najbolja stvar, ne radi se uopće o dugom preiodu čekanja na igru. PlayStation 4 verzija igre izlazi 9.8. u SAD-u a 10.8. u Europi što bi značilo 9 do 10 dana čekanja. No, nekima je i to previše, tako da je jedan gorljivi obožavatelj odlučio izbaciti 1300 zelembaća na sunce i imati privilegiju već sada igrati No Man’s Sky.
Video gdje otvara poštu se može vidjeti ovdje, a njegov komentar sa Reddit-a možete pročitati u nastavku:
“I’m a lucky guy. I’ve done well for myself. I have disposable income and I’m happy in life. I’m in a state of being where I don’t look at a purchase and determine the overall value by the price tag, but rather by how much happiness it will bring myself or the people I care about. I’m also very much in a weird state of mind half the time in that I’ve seen some shit, and I’ve dealt with loss, and I know all too well that too many of us take life for granted. I could die in a car accident tomorrow – who knows? If I did, all that money I had saved up didn’t do me a whole lot of good, did it? That’s not to say that I’m YOLO spending every cent every day, because I’m not – contrary to what you might believe looking at a purchase like this that some would label with the ‘completely insane’ tag, I’m actually pretty good with money. Most of the time. But that buys me the opportunity to live on the edge a bit with more reckless and crazy purchases when the time comes.”
“Some people buy really expensive items for their hobbies or collections. Some people spend ridiculous amounts of money on liquor or food. For me, this experience is what I spend my money on. I’ll always remember this, I’ll always have that moment in time when I was able to step foot in the world of NMS ‘early’ and experience it without any temptations of spoilers. While plenty enjoy spoilers and while I even check them myself when they’re there, knowing they don’t exist and that I’m ahead of them is the best feeling for me in gaming.”